John Leonard Balbach
- Geboren: 1899, North Shields, Northumberland, England
- Ehe (1): Ethel Graham im Jahr 1921
- Gestorben: 2 Mai 1949, Sunderland, Durham, England im Alter von 50 Jahren
Bekannte Ereignisse in seinem Leben waren:
• Wohnort, 1901, Tynemouth, Northumberland, England.
29 Wohnort 1901 • Tynemouth, Northumberland, England
103, Bedford Street with wife Sophie and sons John Leonard & William George (8 months old) , also servants Fred Nayol (Pork Butcher), Maria Koch (General Domestic Servant) & Mavis Galley (Nurse Domestic) - Pork Butcher, Employer
• Wohnort, 1903, Tynemouth, Northumberland, England. Wohnort 02 Apr 1911 • Tynemouth, Northumberland, England
103, Bedford Street with wife Sophia, sons John, William & George, daughter Carolina and brother Hermann Balbach (Assistant Pork Butcher), also Mary Reggent, Lily Bower & Lieceth Hertwich (all Domestic Servants) - Pork Butcher
• Wohnort, 1911, Tynemouth, Northumberland, England. Wohnort 1911 • Tynemouth, Northumberland, England
103, Bedford Street, House & Shop, Mr Balbach, in residence 5 males & 5 females - Married 12 years, children 5 (4 living 1 died)
John heiratete Ethel Graham im Jahr 1921. (Ethel Graham wurde geboren am 9 Sep. 1900 in Sunderland, Durham, England, getauft am 26 Sep. 1900 in Sunderland, Durham, England und starb am 19 Dez. 1983 in Sunderland, Durham, England.)